Sunday, March 22, 2009

Friends and Fry-masters in Östereich

Have you ever had those moments where you are walking down the street, listening to you Ipod and all of the sudden a song comes on that perfectly fits your mood. It’s kind of like a soundtrack for you life for a few minutes…This has happened a few times on the trip so far and I love it! It seems to work like de ja vu for me though. After it happens I forget what the song was so when I try to tell someone about it it just turns out lame. And that folks is your moment of Zen for the evening.

I was sad to leave Salzburg. I won’t lie. But my trip was taking me towards more friends and they were waiting for me, so I moved on! I don’t have too much to say about Linz. It was a nice picturesque university town…that’s about it. Luckily I was staying with another of my cousin’s Tanzanian muchachos so that made it a lot more fun. Daniel is getting close to finishing up his thesis at the University of Linz. There are a few memories that I have of my short stay here. The main themes are food and music. I’ll start with the food.

Daniel and his roommate Luke have this amazing machine…it’s called something like the fry-o-matic. Basically it crisps up and cooks food with out drowning it. It looked like a big donut and you could even watch the food spinning around…needless to say, we had great chicken nuggets with our spaghetti and amazing sausages and chips, all thanks to the help of our fry-friend. I was also fortunate enough to have a traditional Austrian meal when I was invited to eat at Daniel’s parent’s place. I provided a delightful excuse for him to bring his girlfriend to meet the fam without it being too weird. Go me! Anyway, we had roasted pork parts (different parts…I forget) along with some for of craut and dumplings. Delicious…yep, even the oinker.

And what better way to digest any well cooked meal (Besides the traditional schnapps or two of course!) ? Well, go to an industrial-esque concert with screaming men that try to look like Marilyn Manson of course! It was some British band named I AM X and although they could put on a show, it was a show that I would be happy enough never to relive. Slightly up from this was the “Dress like an animal” themed birthday party at a local bar. No, I did not ever actually meet the birthday boy himself…but I enjoyed the rocking the house with bears, ants, pigs and elephants, among other woodland creatures. At the my friends is Linz in a nutshell.

On to Vienna. A spectacular city which comes in at a close second to Berlin of my favorite European cities. I arrived in Vienna to the smiling face of my Nick’s girlfriend, Eva. Eva lives with some amazing roommates and I felt at home in their flat. We cooked, we walked, we watched (movies, but that doesn’t fit into the alliteration). Austrian spaetzle and nectarine and raspberry cobbler was the highlight of our cooking ventures while riding the Ferris wheel and seeing the city from above provided the most entertainment of the sights. Some artists I enjoyed: Egon Schiele and Ernst Barlach. You should check them out.

Did you know that the word Schmuck means jewelry in German? Neither did I and it became a great inside joke for the rest of my stay in Vienna. We laughed all the harder when it was mentioned in “Milk”. Great movie. Sean Penn. Wow.

Oh yeah, and do as Mr. T says and “Respect your Mother!” (Youtube it…hilarious)

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