Saturday, January 24, 2009

Begrüßen Sie Berlin!

I’m writing this blog in a jet lagged blur. This may or may not be similar to my continued will have to see. Before I get into some random topics, let me be horrible negative for a second. I’m tired (but I can’t go to bed because it’s 6:15pm), sore (I guess I use different muscles carrying around this backpack), and I forgot my jacket liner at home (haha!).
Okay, I’m done. This morning I got up and showered and stepped out into the brisk 6am morning air. Of course nothing was open yet so I walked around for an hour or so and then headed back for a nap. I most likely annoyed my roommates with my crazy sleep pattern. I’m rooming with a Australian couple and a dreadlocked Scottish guy. No complaints.
After my brief morning nap I headed off on the U5 (subway) to Alexanderplatz. Now, I know this is going to sound random but why do people bring their dogs on the subway? This morning when I got on there were two dogs. One of which looked scared to death and just kept looking up at it’s owner. And the other, a crazy dog who kept howling and trying to walk while the subway was moving. Now don’t get me wrong, I really don’t mind dogs, but can’t you just walk you dogs on the street instead of taking them who knows where…which leads to my next point. Be very careful where you step at night on streets in Berlin. There is very little grass so I guess the rule for dogs is that as long as they crap somewhere near the “dirt” areas along the sidewalk, you can just leave it.
Getting back to Alexanderplatz (Alex for short!), I spent most of the day in two Churches. St. Mary’s Church is the second oldest church in Berlin. It’s a fixer upper with some humorous carvings and some cool mosaic tile scenes. The second one, Berliner Dom, is the main protestant church in Berlin. It has a fantastic dome that has a great view of a lot of the city. It also has an incredible organ. I think I’ll try to try to go to a service there tomorrow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love your blog! Keep it coming! Love you, Grammy